Tajhize Sanayeh Emrouze Khozestan Company (T.S.E.KH.CO)
We have produced more than 22,000 oil-fishing tools over the last years which have been distributed through “Manufacturing Support & Procurement Kala Naft Company” or directly to our following clients all over the world:
- National Iranian South Oilfields Company (NISOC)
- National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)
- Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC)
- National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC)
- Khazar Exploration and Production Company (KEPCO)
- Nour Gmbh in Germany
- KLT Carbide Co. Ltd in China
Some Of Products Include
Our high quality products are regularly inspected by Iran Group of Surveyors (IGS).
Some Of Products Include:
A : Section Mills 5", 7", 9-5/8", 13-3/8" with metal Muncher cutters and its spare parts. A specific
classifying code along with the name of our company is allocated to these products by National
Iranian Drilling company and National Iranian south Oil Company.
B : Economill 2-3/4" Trough 12-1/4" in two Type ; Bladed and flat Bottom.
C : Junk Mill 2-3/4" Trough 17-1/2" in three Type ; Heavy Duty , flat Bottom and metal muncher.
D : Taper Mill, pilot Mill, Cone buster Mill, Watermellon Mill, Cement Mill , Skirted Junk Mill and
Dressing Mill in all size.
E : Taper tap and Relesing Spear.
In the case of need for these products or further information , pleas do not hesitate to contact us.